Saturday, February 12, 2011


As of Thursday, we were not allowed to enter the orphanage anymore, because of the quarantine.  This is great, because it means that we have been allowed to take Artyr out of the orphanage everyday.  This is not so great, though, because we don't get to visit with the other children anymore.  Before we were shut out, though, we made this video on JibJab with Anslee and Vika (being adopted by Russie and Cheri) and Artyr.  Enjoy!
We were able to show the video to Anslee, Vika, and Artyr before we were shut out of the orphanage.  They seemed to really enjoy it!  We had a good time going out to eat with Artyr and hanging out with him in our apartment on Thursday and Friday.  Today, we went to a mall that has a bowling alley in it and also pool tables.  It was a lot of fun, and Artyr even improved a little with his bowling style. 
He is very good about listening to what we tell him.  For example, on Monday or Tuesday in the orphanage he was going to grab some candy out of the bag that we had brought.  We suggested that he ask first.  He has not had a piece of candy or anything else since that point without asking first!  He has such a great attitude!  We are enjoying our time with Artyr, but we miss our girls so much.  Today was hard, because it is Jordyn's birthday.  We were able to call her and Grace on Skype (seriously . . . PRAISE God for Skype!) and sing "Happy Birthday" to her before she blew out the candles on her JoJo the Bunny cake (Thanks Neal family for giving her such a special day).  We were also able to watch her open her presents.  We are VERY excited that we get to go home on Tuesday!  Evidently, Grace knows the secret, but she is not telling Jordyn!  She is such an awesome big sister!  We can't wait to give them both huge hugs!  Everything is still set for us to have our court appointment on Monday at 10 AM.  After court, we will celebrate with lunch and then head back to Kiev by car, so that we will be there in time for our 6:45 AM flight (the train would not get us there in time . . . we can't say we're TOO sad about not having to take the sauna train!).  Please PRAY for Monday's court appointment and for our travel.  We will update, again, before then!  God bless, everyone!

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